TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - BDE Z32 transmission mount in the works...
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Subject BDE Z32 transmission mount in the works...
Posted by LitlElvis on April 14, 2016 at 12:38 PM
  This message has been viewed 2960 times.
Message Utilizing an existing Energy Suspensions GM transmission mount and a fabricated steel tube crossmember to allow it to fit. Interestingly, the ES mount bolt
pattern fits the transmissions without modification, but it's much thicker than stock and so a modified crossmember is needed.

Compression and tension load data comparing the stock 30P (manual) and 40P (automatic) mounts to the ES mount. The red line indicates the weight on the mount when installed.

I stopped the tension test on the stock mounts at -200 lbsf as it seemed they were about to pull apart and I didn't want to destroy them.
The data clearly shows the 40P mount is slightly stiffer when compressed than the 30P, just like so many have always said.
It's amazing to me how much potential movement the stock mounts allow at the tailshaft with relatively small changes of load.

Bracket for OE exhaust hanger

Stock exhaust clearance

I'm still working out a few manufacturing bugs, but I'm hoping to offer these by the end of May. Thanks for looking.

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